
Indian jailed in UK for killing compatriot

LONDON,March3,2012: An Indian national, who came here on a student visa in 2009 and overstayed, has been sentenced to four years in jail for stabbing an illegal Indian immigrant to death during a fight between them in a house in Leicester. The incident occurred in November, 2011. The accused, Amitpreet Singh, 23, has now been sentenced by the Leicester Crown Court for four years imprisonment for fatally stabbing Harinder Singh, 29 in the neck. The two were sharing the house with other "fellow illegal immigrants from India", reports from Leicester said today. Amitpreet will be deported to India at the end of his sentence. He admitted manslaughter on the grounds of provocation, because the victim first attacked him with a foot-long knife. As friends intervened, he produced a lock-knife and plunged the blade into the victim. The victim reportedly staggered outside and died in the street before medical help arrived.
Matthew Lowe, prosecuting lawyer, told the court that the defendant and the deceased were sharing the house with four or five fellow illegal immigrants from India. The incident occurred on November 6 last year during a meal. He said: "Witnesses describe the victim as an angry man subject to mood swings, exacerbated by alcohol and drugs. He said the deceased had picked up a fight with the accused, who suffered a bad cut on his hand and below an eye. Amitpreet handed himself in to the police on November 9, and was taken to hospital for treatment to his gashed hand. In police interview, he accepted causing the fatal wound and said he might have taken heroin on the morning of the incident. Balbir Singh, lawyer for Amitpreet, said he came to the UK on a student visa in 2009 which had expired. He said: "My client was the subject of gross and extreme provocation". Speaking after the hearing, Detective Chief Inspector Matt Hewson, said: "This case sends a very strong message to everyone that violent behaviour can lead to extremely serious consequences".