
Stop outsourcing visa-related work: MEA to missions

NEW DELHI: The foreign ministry's experiment with outsourcing has not taken off. Stung by complaints from NRIs and others seeking Indian visas, the ministry last week issued a circular to all Indian missions asking them not to outsource any visa and passport related work to foreign firms. While WTO regulations prevented the ministry from banning foreign companies altogether, it said in the circular that outsourcing contracts should only be awarded to Indian companies "with or without foreign partners". The circular comes close on the heels of foreign minister S M Krishna's letter, dated October 20, to all Indian envoys warning them of disciplinary action if they failed to ensure transparency in procurement and visa outsourcing. Officials said the decision to issue the circular was taken because of growing number of complaints against foreign firms, including Travisa in the US, which are handling such work on behalf of Indian missions. The ministry surprised many in 2007 when it allowed Indian missions to outsource visa and passport processing to private companies saying that because of the shortage of staff, it was no longer possible to handle a rapidly growing number of visa applications for tourism and trade purposes. Immediately after this, the Indian embassy in the US outsourced all visa and passport processing work to Travisa which became the face of the Indian mission for those seeking travel documents as it exclusively handled all such work. Four years later though, things seem to have worsened. In fact, during his last visit to the US in September, Krishna held a meeting with Indian ambassador Nirupama Rao to find out why complaints from Indians were piling up. Apparently, there were not enough staff well versed with Indian languages in all the centres. "The existing contracts will remain for now but from now on, no new contract will be given to any foreign firm which does not have any Indian partner. In any case, why should we outsource to foreign firms when other countries are not outsourcing the same work to Indian firms,'' said an official.

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