
British government blames immigration for job cuts

Being a London underground traveller, I have always been fascinated to read the 'Metro' and 'London Evening Standard'. How India or any other country is talked about by a British citizen. I read articles in bold letters about how over 4 million people all over UK would be losing jobs and how the country and its people would suffer.
The new government decides to get to the root cause of all these problems and they highlight "Immigration"! Here is an excerpt from The Guardian: "Net migration into the UK rose by 25% to 237,000 people last year, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)."
These figures betray a government that has completely lost control over the past 10 years. This chaos is likely to increase as the home secretary and new immigration minister continue to be at loggerheads over government policy."
Nicholas Soames and Frank Field, co-chairmen of the Commons cross-party group on balanced migration, said the figures were a shock. "Net migration is much higher than expected - up by nearly 25% to almost a quarter of a million in one year - and very close to the record in 2004," they said in a joint statement. "Unless firm action is taken very soon, our population will hit 70 million even earlier than the government's present forecast of 2028."
"There is no way in which our public services can cope with such a rapid increase. Nor can we possibly build the necessary houses on remotely this timescale. We need to balance migration, and balance it soon."
Here are my two cents on it. I live here as a Tier-1 general visa holder. I have a job. Does the government look into the root cause of why Britons don't have a job? If you try to find out what percentage of the jobless people are Asians, Africans, Americans, Polish, you would be surprised to find that they are British! And by British I mean anyone who is here by birth, brought up as a British.
The education system is good no doubt, but how many children actually study or even go to colleges. Studies have revealed that not more than 25% of students get into universities. As early as 16, kids get into parties, drugs and sex and have no time to build a career. Most of them cannot read and write grammatically correct English because they never thought that was required.
Fair Enough, so now where do you look for jobs? Public sector needs a minimum qualification and credit checks before they can employ you. Private sector looks for much higher skill levels that you might not be fit for. Starting your own business requires funding that you don't have. What next? Allowances, yes government gives you allowances and you are happy because it fulfils your everyday needs.
People from other countries have been found to be hard working, skilled and ready to work at lower costs compared to the natives. Obviously there is a preference when it comes to getting the job done.
I am probably too new to comment on other communities here but let's talk about Indians. We are here in millions. Almost all of us have jobs or other means of earning a living. We maintain very good standards of living and still manage to save a good chunk to send back home. Organizations here find us to be highly skilled and sincere with our work. The bottom line is we still have jobs and newer opportunities.
Considering the racism that prevails in this country, do you think if the Government starts pushing every child to the university and gets them skilled to a level that there is one Brit against every 'outside' skill, we would still have jobs? Who would be crying then?

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