
Indian American community delegation meets the IRS offcials on OVDI

Washington: A delegation of Indian community representative under the aegis of the National Indian American Coordinating Council met the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) officials to convey community's concerns ans distress regarding the new Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative (OVDI) and the way in which it has been implemented. The delegation headed by Dr. Thomas Abraham, Founder President and Chairman Emeritus of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), included Mr. Lal Motwani, President of the National Federation of Indian American Associations (NFIA), Mr. Shailesh Patel, Director at Large of Asian American Hotel Owners Association (AAHOA) and Dr. Maya Chadda of GOPIO and Council on Foreign Relations.

The meeting at the IRS headquarters in Washington, DC was arranged by the office of Congressman Steve LaTourette of Ohio. IRS was represented by Ms. Rosemary Sereti, Director of International Individual Tax Compliance; Attorney Advisors to Deputy Commissioner Ms. Jennifer Beth and Mr. David Vorley, and Legislative Counsel Suzanne R. Sinno of the Office of the Legislative Affairs.

In the meeting the Indian community delegation stressed the following points:

First they stressed that their collective survey of the Indiana American community revealed a very high level of distress verging on panic for the following reasons.

1. Most have only recently found out that they are in violation of the IRS requirements of the voluntary disclosure of foreign accounts and income. Information has been sketchy and almost no one knew what the procedure was to come under the 2011 amnesty program. Those who found out only recently are left with no time to file before august 31 2011. Nor are they aware that they need a clearance from the Treasury Department for entering the amnesty program. The delegation made the IRS officials aware of this drawing on real life examples and explained why the community is distressed and confused.

2. People who are caught between the lack of information and lack of time are not willfully violating the tax law. The delegation in fact pointed out that there were broadly two categories of people who are in this situation, those who have sent money to help their extended families in India, supporting aging parents, finance children's education and that of siblings and younger members of the extended family. Transfer of money for these reasons was natural for the first generation immigrants. Culturally Asian Americans,
Indians in particular, are intensely family oriented. The second category included people who have worked, saved and are sending money in preparation of retirement. This usually takes the form of property and allied investments. These monies are also usually after tax monies.

The delegation stressed that the way in which the penalty is imposed, i.e. 25 percent on the highest balance over the eight years span, was totally out of proportion to the presumed willful violation. Such a level of penulty itself violates the principle of proportionality on which the US law rests. The penulty therefore violates the 8th amendment of the US constitution and the case law precedents it has set. If the penalty was reasonable, more tax payers will comply. It is obviously in the Interest of the IRS to promote wider compliance of the tax laws.

3. The third point was about the way the IRS has implemented the amnesty program. After entering the program, the tax payees or their accountants only deal with agents who are given no power to separate willful non-compliance from innocent non-compliance. They simply administer the law and impose punishing penalty. Even If the tax payer has genuine grounds for failing to disclose, the agents are not allowed to use their discretion. This will punish the innocent, in fact the bulk of the community who are law abiding citizens and have regularly paid their dues to the IRS.

The delegation suggested that as a first and immediate step, the IRS can take a step to empower the agents with discretionary judgement.

The delegation also shared the fear of being singled out among the groups as targets of IRS inquiry.

They suggested that penalty should be levied on non-reported income and not for non-disclosure.

The IRS responded that for those who believe themselves to be innocent of violation have the choice of opting out of OVDI but they would still have to make full disclosure under the August 31 2011 amnesty program. That would expose them to scrutiny but if their case was genuine, (for example the delegation pointed out to the IRS officials that if the interest income during the process of supporting children/siblings education and of buying a retirement home is small amount compared to the estimated penalty), they may escape penalty or pay a much smaller percentage of penalty. In the simpler cases of non-disclosure, the tax payer can represent themselves to the agent after filing all amended statements during the opt-out procedure.

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