
Need a male heir? Think again, he might turn into a woman!

I was reading the Metro as usual on my way to work. I read this article that said "desperate father almost dies in DIY sex-change using Stanley knife..". It was funny that the guy was married, had children and it took him a DIY sex-change attempt to realise that he always wanted to be a woman. Well it wasn't really surprising since this was not the first time someone in the UK has had a sex change.
I had an impulse by another article with a similar story in India, "A 24-year-old man turning into a woman to get a job". I read the article 3 times to digest the fact that he actually turned into a woman to get a job. It was hard to believe that in a male dominated country like India, a man would be forced by circumstances to turn into a woman!
We don't need reports to know how huge the rate of female infanticide in India is. Almost every mother and grandmother wants a male heir. We still see women being harassed for producing a female child and at times even burnt to death. I would love to see the face of every man and woman who always desired a male child to see their son/grandson turning into a woman at youth!
If someone could make a short documentary film on this man named Shankar Kondapalli aka Ankita, and show it to every village in India, I can bet it would improve our numbers on the female to male ratio and also provide better living standards by educating the girl child and allowing her to work.
Shankar's story was news to me since I haven't heard of these things in India as yet. But he definitely proves that being a woman is no bad luck for the parents and they are more capable of looking after the entire family.
Although I wouldn't encourage men taking such moves forcefully, it does highlight the fact that women are equally worthy, if not more!                                                        - Jalpa Sharma

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