
Rough seas still delay work on grounded liner

 GIGLIO(Italy)Jan30 2012(AP):  Rough seas off the Tuscan coast have delayed for a second day the start of operations to remove half a million gallons of fuel from the grounded Costa Concordia.Officials called off both the fuel removal and search operations Sunday after determining the ship had moved 4 centimeters (an inch and a half) over six hours. University of Florence professor Riccardo Fanti said the movements could either be caused by the ship settling on its own weight, or slipping into the seabed. Recovery operations Saturday yielded a 17th body, identified as Peruvian crew member Erika Soria Molina. Fifteen crew and passengers remain missing. The Concordia, with 4,200 people aboard, ran aground on Jan. 13 after the captain deviated from his planned route and gashed the hull of the ship on a reef.