
Two organizations launch movement to support Ramdev

New York: The Friends of India Society of International (FISI) and Bharat Swahiman Overseas (BSO) are planning to launch a mass movement and fast to awaken the consciousness of overseas Indians, especially in the US against the "massive corruption" that is engulfing the nation, according to Dr. Bhishma Kumar Agnihotri, former Ambassador-at-Large of India. Agnihotri said in a statement that FISI would bring together friends of India worldwide in order to safeguard the India and people of Indian origin living outside India. FISI was founded in 1975 to safeguard Indian democratic institutions and ideals in the aftermath of "emergency rule," the academic turned attorney said. The reactivated FISI now is an international, non-denominational, and non-political association of the friends of India- drawn from among the Indian Diaspora and the public's in which the Indian Diaspora resides- who will educate the wider public about India and the status of the Indian Diaspora, he said. BSO is inspired by the Bharat Swabhiman movement of Baba Ramdev. A non-political, non-denominational and a not for profit US Corporation, it promotes individual, societal and global physical, mental, and spiritual health through Yoga, Pranayam and Vedic principles; emphasizing personal and professional integrity in every walk of human endeavor and encouraging unity and harmony among all human beings. To start with, the organizations are planning a public fasting on June 4 across the US similar to the one planned in India. Fasting at least one day is part of the program. The day also happens to be Rana Pratap Jayanti, he said.
India is at the cross roads now. Despite the seeming economic prosperity, scams have become rampant and mega monstrous have gripped a section of India. Something should be done urgently to save India from the catastrophe. Baba Ramdev is providing spiritual and correct direction to a divine movement to combat and destroy corruption with an iron hand, said Agnihotri. For more than five years, Ramdev has been visiting nook and corner of India, village to village, state to state, and educating the masses about the problems facing India. Swamiji believes that the systems in India require change and it's not possible unless the masses join the movement and uproot the entrenched current systems, built on corruption or inefficiency and supported by powerful vested interests. People have to wake up as a united force to save India, he added. Bharat Swabhiman movement led by Baba Ram dev has now entered in a new phase. On June 4th 2011 a massive Satyagraha will be launched in New Delhi and other major cities of India. It may be a long drawn struggle. People of India origin residing in every part of the world feel the pain of India and they are anxious to help the Movement to save India of their dreams, Agnihotri said.

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